How to change vCenter Server Certificate

Hi, Today I decided to change my VCSA 8.0 certificate. For this purpose, we must do 4 things:

  1.  Create CSR from the vCenter server
  2.  Get a Certificate from an authority CA (I use a Microsoft CA server)
  3.  Install OpenSSL and Convert the CER format certificate to PEM format
  4. Assign it to vCenter

Let’s start.

1. Create CSR from the vCenter server:

1-1 Login to vCenter Server

1-2 Go to the Inventory

1-3 Go to the Certificate –> Certificate Management –> Generate Certificate Signing Request(CSR)

1-4 Enter your information

1-5 Copy CSR Request

2. Get a Certificate from an authority CA (I use a Microsoft CA server)

2-1 Go to your Microsoft CA server (or other Authority Certificate) http;//your_CA-Server_IP/certsrv

Click on the “Request a certificate

2-2 Click on the “advanced certificate request

2-3 Past your CSR request here (We copy CSR Request in 1-5) and choose Web Server, then click submit.

2-4 Download Certificate (Base 64 encoded)

3.  Install OpenSSL and Convert the CER format certificate to PEM format

3-1 Now, we need to convert this certificate to PEM, so we need a tool for covering the certificate.

I used OpenSSL tools.

How to install OpenSSL?

3-2 I downloaded the MSI version. And click on it.

3-3 Accept the agrrement and Next.

3-4 Select a path for installation.

3-5 Next

3-6 Click on the Install button.

3-7 Open the Command prompt as an administrator account, then go to the installation_path\OpenSSL-Win64\bin

3-8 Used this command to convert .cer to .pem. (for vCenter Server certificate)

openssl x509 -in certnew.cer -out certnew-vc01.pem

3-9 Used this command to convert .cer to .pem. (for root certificate)

openssl x509 -in root.cer -out root.pem

4. Assign it to vCenter

4-1 Now, click on the “Import and Replace Certificate” button.

4-2 Choose to Replace with external CA certificate where CSR is generated from vCenter Server.

4-3 Click on the Browse File button, then

4-4 Select vCenter PEM format certificate

4-5 Click on the Browse File button, then

4-6 Select root PEM format certificate

4-7 The vCenter ask you to wait some minutes and after that try to refresh your browser.

Finish 🙂

How to install an unattended vCenter

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Hi, Today, I decided to install an unattended vCenter (vCSA) server appliance. You can use the CLI installer to perform a silent deployment of a vCenter Server appliance on an ESXi host or vCenter Server instance.

The CLI deployment process includes downloading the vCenter Server installer on a network virtual machine or physical server from which you want to perform the deployment, preparing a JSON configuration file with the deployment information, and running the deployment command.


Step 1– Register your vCenter Server appliance A and PTR record on your DNS server. Like this: Then:


Step 2– You can choose where you want vCSA installed, on one ESXi or one existing vCenter. I will be installing it on an ESXi. Then:

Step 3– Download vCSA ISO, mount it, and navigate to \vcsa-cli-installer\templates\install. This folder contains JSON configuration files, which you can edit and then use with the vCSA command line installer. The JSON files, used in conjunction with command line parameters, provide a way to run an unattended vCSA installation. Then:

I selected the embedded_vCSA_on_ESXi.json file to match the deployment type that I wanted.

Step 4– Copy the selected JSON file (embedded_vCSA_on_ESXi.json) to a local folder on your computer; where you’re running the installer from. Then:

I copy it here, then:


Step 5– Using Visual Studio Code or Notepad ++, edit the JSON file as follows. Refer to this link for a complete list of parameters. Then:

Sections 1: Target ESXi Server details.

HostnameThe FQDN or IP of the ESXi host on which vCSA is installed.
Username & passwordThe credentials needed to access the ESXi.
Deployment.networkThe portgroup to which vCSA Management connects.

Sections 2: vCSA deployment details

You must provide the ‘deployment_option’ key with a value, that will affect the vCenter Server Appliance’s configuration parameters, such as the vCenter Server Appliance’s number of vCPUs, the memory size, the storage size, and the maximum numbers of ESXi hosts and VMs which can be managed. For a list of acceptable values, run the supported deployment sizes help, i.e. vcsa-deploy –supported-deployment-sizes.

thin.disk.modeDetermines if the vCSA’s disks are created using thin disk mode.
Deployment.option Refer to this to review the available deployment types.
Name The name assigned to vCSA’s VM; is displayed in the inventory.

Sections 3: vCSA network details The IP version used (4 or 6) for the network configuration.
mode Determines if static and dhcp network settings are used.
ip The IP address assigned to the vCSA.
A comma-separated IP address list of DNS servers configured on vCSA.
prefix Subnet mask in prefix format (Ex. = 24, = 20).
gateway The IP address of the default gateway set on vCSA The FQDN (hostname) for the appliance.

Sections 4: vCSA OS

password The root password is used to access vCSA’s via SSH, VAMI, or otherwise.
ntp_serversSet your NTP server IP address
ssh.enable Set to true to enable SSH access by default.

Sections 5: SSO details

password This is the password for administrator@vsphere.local.
domain-name The SSO domain name (you can leave it as is).

Step 6– Open an administrative command prompt and navigate to \vcsa-cli-installer\win32 on the mounted ISO image. Then:

Step 7– Perform an Installation using vcsa-deploy install. Then:
vcsa-deploy install --no-ssl-certificate-verification --acknowledge-ceip --accept-eula C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\source\embedded_vCSA_on_ESXi.json

Deploying vCSA OVF. Then:

And the Final result.

Finally, you can find your logs file from here:

Finish 🙂

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Error 421 while connecting to Horizon via HTML Web Console after an upgrade to 2306 or Later

Hi, I experienced an issue where end users received an HTTP 421 error when connecting to a VMware Horizon web after it was upgraded to 2306. 

What is an HTTP 421 error?

The HTTP 421 Misdirected Request client error response code indicates that the request was directed to a server that is not able to produce a response. This might be possible if a connection is reused or if an alternative service is selected.


While connecting to Horizon over an HTML Web console, users encounter an error 421.


The default value of the security configuration setting allowUnexpectedHost has changed from true to false.

This means that connections using the name or IP address of a proxy, gateway, or load balancer that is not defined in will fail, even if checkOrigin and enableCORS are both set to false.


Add security configuration setting allowUnexpectedHost = true in your in connection servers after that restart Horizon services.

You can find from below address:

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf\

Finish 🙂

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

If you want to Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance (UAG), You have two methods:
1- Update it Manually.
2- Update with PowerShell.
In this post, I talk about updating UAG with PowerShell.

What is UAG?

Unified Access Gateway equips remote workers anywhere, anytime with secure access to Horizon virtual desktops and applications.

How can I update it?

UAG doesn’t have an update engine solution on itself. You must install it again from scratch, and replace the configuration on it. You must spend more time installing it again. But you can use the PowerShell script for quick deployment.

What is the requirement?

1- You need to download Unified Access Gateway (UAG) PowerShell Scripts.

2- You need to download the INI file of the UAG configuration.

3- You need to download the OVF Tool. (The PowerShell deploy script requires these tools)


Step 1- Download the OVF Tool from Here.

I downloaded the OVF Tool for Windows 64-bit.

1-1 -Install the OVF Tool on the VM where you are going to run the UAG Deploy script.

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

1-2 – Click Next, after that:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

1-3 – I accept the terms in the License Agreement. Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

1-4 – Choose the destination Folder, Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

1-5 -Install it.

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

1-6- Finally, Click on the Finish button

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

Step 2– Download the Unified Access Gateway OVA from the Customer Connect portal to your machine.

You download the latest version.

Step 3– Create an INI configuration file for the Unified Access Gateway virtual appliance.

3-1 – Login to UAG server: https://UAG_Address_Server:9443/admin, Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

3-2 – Click on the Configure Manually button, Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

3-3 – In the Support Settings Section, Click on the INI and download it. Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

Step 4– Download the Unified Access Gateway (UAG) XXX PowerShell Scripts files into a folder on the machine. The ZIP files are available on the Customer Connect page for the Unified Access Gateway.

4-1 – Extract the Zip file and copy and paste the UAG ova file and INI file here. Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

Step 5– open UAG_Settings.ini, you need to configure these parameters:

5-1 – You can choose diskMode deployment is thin or thick:

5-2 – You must write the vsphere datastore name for deploying UAG OVA. Then:

5-3 – Give a name for your UAG VM.Then:

name= khoshraftar-UAG01

5-4 – Enter the Backend Network port group.Then:

netBackendNetwork= Edge-PG-MGMT-V3001

5-5 – Enter the Internet Network port group.Then:

netInternet= khoshraftar-DMZ

5-6 -Enter the management Network port group.Then:


5-4 – You must write the path of UAG OVA.Then:

source= C:\uagdeploy-\uagdeploy\euc-unified-access-gateway-

5-5 – You must write vCenter_name/ Datacenter_name/ host/ Cluster_name

(you must use host in your address)

target= vi://

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

5-6 – If you have an error, you can change secureRandomSource from default to /dev/random

secureRandomSource= /dev/random

5-7 – save the INI file.

Step 6– Open PowerShell as administrator and use this command

& "C:\uagdeploy-\uagdeploy\uagdeploy.ps1" -iniFile "C:\uagdeploy-\uagdeploy\UAG_Settings.ini"

I use &, Because I have quotes in INI and PS1 path, PowerShell executes the path instead of just echoing the string.

6-1 – Enter admin user password for UAG, Then:

6-2 – Re-enter the admin user password for UAG, Then:

6-3 -Enter the admin user password for UAG Admin UI and Rest API, Then:

6-4 -Re-enter the admin user password for UAG Admin UI and Rest API, Then:

6-5 – For CEIP, enter no., Then:

6-6 – Accept SSL fingerprint, Then:

6-6 – Enter the Username and Password of the vCenter server, Then:

6-7 -Deploying Start, Then:

Update the Unified Access Gateway Appliance Using PowerShell

Finally, The transfer is completed.

For more information, use this link.

Finish 🙂

My Latest Posts:

NSX Multi-Tenancy and VPC

Hi, Today I would like to talk about NSX Multi-tenancy and VPC.


Multi-tenancy is the ability to offer NSX networking and security services to multiple tenants completely isolated from each other. Every tenant will also have its own RBAC configuration and can be assigned quotas to limit the number of objects that can be created inside a tenant. Multi-Tenancy has been a long-awaited feature in NSX which enables not only service providers but also end customers to provide NSX services tailored and scoped down to a department/team level on the same NSX instance, previously that was only possible by deploying different NSX instances per tenant/department.

Multi-Tenancy in NSX is achieved by creating NSX projects, where every project represents a logical container of network and security resources (tenant) where every project can have its own set of users, assigned privileges, and quotas. Multi-Tenancy has different use cases such as offering networking as a Service, Firewall as a Service, and so on.

Multi-Tenancy was introduced in NSX UI starting from VMware NSX 4.1, and it uses a two-tier data model, the first tier is called /Infra tier which is referred to as Default space, Default space contains non-isolated objects and is accessible to Enterprise admin and other system-wide users who are not a member of projects. In short, the Default view contains NSX objects that do not belong to any project. The other data model is referred to as the Org model (branch) under which projects (tenants) provision their resources, which implies that every tenant (project) will also have a sub-Infra branch with only objects that are created and available to that project (tenant).

Project configurations are set up under /orgs/default/projects/<project-id>/infra

NSX Virtual Private Clouds (VPC)

Starting in NSX 4.1.1, a project can optionally contain one or more NSX Virtual Private Clouds (VPC).

A VPC represents a self-contained private network within an NSX project that application developers or DevOps engineers in your organization can use to host their applications and consume networking and security objects by using a self-service consumption model.

NSX VPCs can be created only in projects. They cannot be created in the default space.

VPC configurations are set up under the following path of the NSX Policy data model:


Tier-0 gateways and edge clusters are owned by the default space, and they can be allocated to projects under the org. You cannot create tier-0 gateways and edge clusters inside a project.

Each project can optionally have its own tier-1 gateways, which must be configured in the project. In other words, the tier-1 gateways must be owned by the project. A project cannot use the tier-1 gateways that are configured in the default space.

The first figure shows the default space and two projects under the org.

  • Multi-tenancy Policy data model shows the default space, org, and two projects under the org.The next figure shows the hierarchy of objects in both projects. Under the org, projects 1 and 2 have their own hierarchy of NSX networking and security objects that are created inside the project. Hierarchy of NSX objects in projects 1 and 2 under the org.

How we can create it?

When an Enterprise Admin logs into NSX Manager, the Default view is displayed, as shown in the following screen capture.


Click on Default

Click on the Manage

Click on the ADD PROJECT, I give a name to it.

I create 3 projects.

I click on the khoshraftar-Production, You can see this project has its own Menu, You can also create a VPC in your project.

In the future, I am going to create a VPC in another post.

Finish 🙂

Step by Step, Install vCenter 8.0 update1

Hi, Today I want to install vCenter 8.0 Update1.

You can find system prerequisites on this page.

I downloaded VCSA 8.0 ISO from and run the installer.

I choose Install.


Note: The external Platform Services Controller deployment has been deprecated.

Note: Installing the vCenter Server is a two-stage process. The first stage involves deploying a new vCenter Server to the target ESXi host or a compute resource in the target vCenter Server. The second stage completes the setup of the deployed vCenter Server. Next

2- License agreement, click on the checkbox. Next

3- Specify the vCenter Server deployment target settings. The target is the ESXi host or vCenter Server will be deployed.

On this page, fill in all the blank fields, Next

Accept the certificate warning and click  NEXT

4- Enter the new VM name for your VCSA 7.0 Update 3 and set the root password for it, NEXT

5- Select your deployment size, I choose Medium Size. NEXT

6- Select data store, you can select Thin or Thick disk mode, NEXT

7- Configure your network settings, NEXT

10- The installer will begin deploying the new VCSA according to the settings you provided. Finish

1- The second stage process. NEXT

2- Set your Time and NTP servers, and you can enable or Disable SSH access to vCenter Server.

3- You have two option2: 1-Create a new SS domain or 2-Join an existing SSO domain

4- You can now join VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program. This basically allows VMware to collect certain sanitized data from your environment, which could help with future releases.

5-Install – Stage 2

6- This process took about 45 minutes for me.

9- Login to the VCSA by the FQDN or IP address and proceed.

Finish 🙂

Adding additional storage to a node in Aria Operations

Hi, Today I had a problem, my vRops UI not working and showed me a text: Redirect vRops UI

This is caused when vRops db does not have sufficient space. I show you how you can solve this error.

I SSH to my vRops.

df -h

Note: You can’t extend the current /storage/db logical volume in vRops, and must add a new hard to each vRops analytic node.


Ensure the vRealize Operations cluster is Offline, then log into the VMware vSphere client as an administrator.

  1. Right-click the desired vRealize Operations node and click Power > Shut Down Guest OS.
  2. Right-click the powered-off node and click Edit Settings.
  3. Click the Hardware tab and click Add.

Note: Do NOT expand an existing disk.

  1. Click Hard Disk and click Next.
  2. Select Create a new virtual Disk and click Next.
  3. Set the Disk Size to an appropriate value.
  4. Select a disk provisioning format, if applicable.
    • Note: When possible, select the Thick Provision Eager Zeroed option.
  5. Select a location to store the disk and click Next.
  6. Accept the default Virtual Device Node and click Next.
  7. Review the information and click Finish.
  8. Click OK. The new storage is now added to the node.
  9. Right-click the node and click Power On.
  10. Repeats steps 1-13 on all other analytic nodes.
    • Note: All analytic nodes must have the same amount of space in the /storage/db logical volume.
  11. Log into the Admin UI as admin and click the Bring Online button to bring the cluster online.
  12. The node discovers the additional storage and adds it to the /storage/db logical volume automatically during boot.
  13. I SSH to my vRops and type df -h

Finish 🙂

You can see my other post about vRops from below links:

vRealize Operation

2Factor Authentication for Horizon8

Hi, Today I would like to configure Multifactor Authentication for Horizon8 through Keycloak.

What is MFA?

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a multistep account login process that requires users to enter more information than just a password. For example, along with the password, users might be asked to enter a code sent to their email, answer a secret question, or scan a fingerprint.

Which MFA Protocol Supports Horizon?

You can enable a Connection Server instance for RSA SecurID authentication or RADIUS authentication by modifying Connection Server settings in Horizon Administrator.


Install and configure the two-factor authentication software, such as the RSA SecurID software or the RADIUS software, on an authentication manager server.

1- For RSA SecurID authentication, export the sdconf.rec file for the Connection Server instance from RSA Authentication Manager. See the RSA Authentication Manager documentation.

2- For RADIUS authentication, follow the vendor’s configuration documentation. Make a note of the RADIUS server’s hostname or IP address, the port number on which it is listening for RADIUS authentication (usually 1812), the authentication type (PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAPv1, or MS-CHAPv2), and the shared secret. You will enter these values in Horizon Administrator. You can enter values for a primary and a secondary RADIUS authenticator.


  1. Log into Horizon Server, and select View Settings> Servers.
  2. On the Connection Servers tab, select your connection server and click Edit.
  3. On the Authentication tab, from the 2-factor authentication drop-down list in the Advanced Authentication section, select RADIUS.
  4. To force RADIUS usernames to match usernames in Active Directory, select Enforce 2-factor and Windows username matching.
    If you select this option, users must use the same RADIUS username for Active Directory authentication. If you do not select this option, the names can be different.
  5. For RADIUS authentication, complete the rest of the fields:
    1. Select Use the same username and password for RADIUS and Windows authentication if the initial RADIUS authentication uses Windows authentication that triggers an out-of-band transmission of a token code, and this token code is used as part of a RADIUS challenge.
      If you select this check box, users will not be prompted for Windows credentials after RADIUS authentication if the RADIUS authentication uses the Windows username and password. Users do not have to reenter the Windows username and password after RADIUS authentication.
    2. From the Authenticator drop-down list, select Create New Authenticator and complete the page.

6. Click Add

Give a name for the Authenticator name field. This name is displayed when users want to log in. You can customize username and passcode labels.

7. Click next
Give your Keycloak Radius information


Authentication Port: 1812

Accounting Port: 0

Set the Accounting port to 0 unless you want to enable RADIUS accounting. Set this port to a non-zero number only if your RADIUS server supports collecting accounting data. If the RADIUS server does not support accounting messages, and you set this port to a nonzero number, the messages will be sent and ignored and retried a number of times, resulting in a delay in the authentication.

Accounting data can be used in order to bill users based on usage time and data. Accounting data can also be used for statistical purposes and for general network monitoring.

Authentication Type: PAP-CHAP-MSCAHP1-MSCHAP2

Shared Secret: ***********

Must same with your radius shared secret

If you specify a realm prefix string, the string is placed at the beginning of the username when it is sent to the RADIUS server. For example, if the username entered in Horizon Client is Mohammad and the realm prefix Khoshraftar\ is specified, the username khoshraftar\Mohammad is sent to the RADIUS server. Similarly, if you use the realm suffix, or postfix, string, the username is sent to the RADIUS server.

Click Next

8. Click OK to save your changes.

You do not need to restart the Connection Server service. The necessary configuration files are distributed automatically, and the configuration settings take effect immediately.

What is Keycloak?

Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution.

How to install Keycloak?

You can download Keyclock from here. But for this project, I need to Radius, radius is not on Keycloak default. So, you can config a manual radius from this link.

But, I want to write a simple configuration about keycloak radius in my blog.

  1. I download a java base keycloak application from here.
  2. I installed an Ubuntu server and install an openjdk 11 on it.
  3. Copy the keycloak files on the Ubuntu server.
  4.  unzip -d keycloak-radius
  5. cd keycloak-radius/
  6. export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin
  8. bin/ start-dev
  9. Open http://Server-IP-Address:8080

10. Username: admin

11. Password: admin

12. Under Manage–> Select Clients and Create client

13. Choice radius protocol from the drop-down menu and Fill in a Client ID

Note: This name must be the same as the authenticator name in the Horizon config in the previous section.

14. Click Next

15. Click Save

16. Click on the Users section and click Add Users

Note: If you want to log in with a password, leave the required user actions, Blank.

Click on Create and then click on the user that you created.

17. Click on the Set password button. Type your password and If you turn on Temporary you must change your password in the first login. I turn off it. And Save it.

Note: If you want to use an OTP, select Configure OTP from the menu

You go to step 17 and create a password for your user and then go to this page.

18. http://your-ip-address:8080/realms/master/account/#/

Enter the username and password that you created.

19. Install one of the following applications on your mobile:

Google Authenticator

Microsoft Authenticator


20. Open the application and scan the barcode.

21. Enter the one-time code provided by the application and submit it to finish the setup.

22. Open Horizon client

For the first Scenario with password only, Enter the user and password that you create in step 16.

For the second Scenario with password + OTP password, Enter the user and password and OTP password that you create in steps 16 and 18.

23. We can need active directory users, You must go to Configure section and click on the User Federation.

24. Click on the Add new provider

25. Enter a UI display name and Connection URL: ldap://

Select Bind DN, where your active directory user exists, to connect to the domain controller.

Enter the password in the Bind credential and other parameters.

26. Click on the Save button.

27. Import your users from the Users section and config them like a local user in the 16 section.

Finish 🙂

Install vCloud Director 10.X Step by Step 06

Hi, Today, I want to create an organization and organization VDC in the vCloud Director.

An Organization is the fundamental vCloud Director grouping that contains users, the vApps that they create, and the resources the vApps use. It is a top-level container in a cloud that contains one or more Organization Virtual Data Centers (Org VDCs) and Catalog entities. It owns all the virtual resources for a cloud instance and can have many Org VDCs.

An organization can be internal to your company providing the vCloud Director or to a customer organization that is using your Cloud Director.

Let’s start.

Step 1, I create an organization.

1- Log in to https://vCloud_IP/provider –> Resources –> Cloud Resources –> Organizations –> Click NEW

2- Enter a name and a full name for your organization.

3- You can log in to your Organization portal :


Step 2, I create an Organization VDCs:

1- Log in to https://vCloud_IP/provider –> Resources –> Cloud Resources –> Organizations VFCs –> Click NEW

2-Enter a Name and Select Enable the Organization VDC

3- Select the Organization that you would like to add this VDC

4- Select the Provider VDC

5- Select an allocation Model for this Organization VDC, I choose Pay-As-You-Go

Allocation poolA percentage of the resources you allocate from the provider VDC are committed to the organization VDC. You can specify the percentage for both CPU and memory.
Pay-as-you-goResources are committed only when users create vApps in the organization VDC.
Reservation poolAll the resources you allocate are immediately committed to the organization VDC.
FlexYou can control the resource consumption at both the VDC and the individual virtual machine levels. The flex allocation model supports the capabilities of organization VDC compute policies. The flex allocation model supports all allocation configurations that are available in the other allocation models.

6- Configure the allocation settings

CPU QuotaThe maximum amount of CPU consumption for this organization VDC.
CPU resources guaranteedThe percentage of CPU resources that you want to guarantee to a virtual machine running in this organization VDC. You can control the over-commitment of CPU resources by guaranteeing less than 100 percent. For an Allocation Pool allocation model, the percentage guarantee also determines what percentage of the CPU allocation is committed to this organization VDC.
vCPU SpeedThe vCPU speed. Virtual machines running in the organization VDC are assigned this amount of GHz per vCPU.
Memory QuotaThe maximum amount of memory consumption for this organization VDC.
Memory resources guaranteedThe percentage of memory resources that you want to guarantee to virtual machines running in the organization VDC. You can over-commit resources by guaranteeing less than 100 percent. For an Allocation Pool allocation model, the percentage guarantee also determines what percentage of the memory allocation is committed to this organization VDC.
Maximum number of VMsThe maximum number of virtual machines that can exist in the organization VDC.

7- Configure the storage settings for this organization VDC

Allocation Type: To limit the amount of the allocated storage capacity for a selected storage policy.

Default instantiation policy: To change the default storage policy.

Thin provisioning: To activate thin provisioning for virtual machines in the organization VDC.

Fast provisioning: To deactivate fast provisioning for virtual machines in the organization VDC.

8- Configure the Network Pool for this organization VDC

You can skip this level at this stage.


Organization VDCs that are backed by NSX-T Data Center only support Geneve network pools.

9- Click Next.

Finish 🙂

Install vCloud Director 10.4 Step by Step 05

Hi, Today, I want to create a Provider VCD in the vCloud Director.

What is a provider VCD?

The provider VDC is an abstraction of a vSphere cluster or a resource pool.

A provider virtual data center (VDC) provides resources to a provider.

To make vSphere compute, memory, and storage resources available to vCloud Director, you create a provider VDC.

For network resources, a provider VDC can use NSX-T Data Center.


• Creating a provider VDC is a system administrator task.
• The provider VDC can be created only from the provider portal.
• Provider VDCs are linked to vCenter Server clusters or resource pools.


Create a resource pool in your vCenter server.

Let’s start.

1-Log into https://vCloud_IP/provider –> Resources –>Provider VDCs –> NEW

2- Enter a name and description for the new provider VCD.

3- Select a vCenter server to provide resource pools for this provider VDC.

4- Select the available resource pool that you created before in the vCenter server.

5- Select storage policies this provider VDC will offer.

6- Choose a network pool option for creating this provider VDC.

7- Review and click on the finish button.

Finish 🙂