Hi, Today I plan to change vCenter7’s hostname, domain name and IP address.
Please take a backup from your vCenter and unregistered your plugins (such as monitoring, backup) from vCenter server.
Make sure that the new FQDN/Hostname is resolvable to the IP address (DNS A records). Make sure that the resolution works in both directions.
First, Connect to vCenter VAMI interface, The address is :
https://your_vCenter_ip_address or FQDN :5480/
Then go to Networking> end click Edit

In this wizard will select a network adapter that you would like to edit.

On the next screen, we can change the hostname, IP address and a DNS setting.

On this screen, we just need to fill in our Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.

On this screen, select the checkbox, if you have made a backup of your vCenter Server and unregistered extensions.

Network update in progress

Process Completed.

Finish 🙂